

This online-only conference featured 5 days of talks by cosmologists from 22-Jun-2020 to 26-Jun-2020. For anyone interested in the H0 tension problem, this is an excellent and highly recommended resource. Here are links to key resource information covering the conference.


A KITP-UCSB program running from Jan 6 to Mar 13, 2020 is an excellent resource for topics related to primordial universe cosmology (e.g., inflation, reheating (aka the Hot Big Bang), baryogenesis, non-gaussianity, dark sectors, cosmological sources of gravitational waves, Hubble tension, etc). The program agenda with links to videos and slides is here.

I'd like to point out an excellent overview talk from this program by Raphael Flauger on Feb. 28 that reviews Hubble measurement physics and results from each of the major determination methods and discusses current status on Hubble tension. The video for Flauger's talk is here. That page does not have the talk slides (at least not yet anyway) but the slides are available in PDF format here. Update: the slides are also now available on the KITP video page. Here is a PDF of the slides.


I had in mind to create a list of recent papers I found of interest that also had an author's talk available and in some cases a review. But after starting this post, I realized it's really so much better to have this data input into the recently initiated and excellent site, which has great listing and filtering capabilities and is becoming widely used. So I volunteered to the organizers of two cosmology talk series to input their data: Cosmology Talks on youtube hosted by Shaun Hotchkiss and CosmoConβ on youtube, aka Cosmology from Home. The target audience for these are researchers in the field. Now at the Research Seminars site, both Cosmology Talks and CosmoConβ are listed with all their current talks. Also, the Cosmology Talks series includes indexed links to the times of major sections of each talk as a convenience and helpful reference feature.